Roller derby COVID-19 news #2

In absence of practice, roller derby players forced to desperate measures, like studying the WFTDA rules, or off-skates training.

Every roller derby player suddenly an expert in virology, epidemiology or disaster management.

“But how will this affect my chances of getting on the travel team?”, wonders player who was never going to make the travel team anyway.

Bouts cancelled – nobody bothers informing the officials and volunteers.

Studies show:

Leg-washing just as useless in times of coronavirus as in other times.

Roller derby league states that their finances have been hit hard – insider sources say that leadership actually never had any handle on league financial situation pre-coronavirus either.

Roller derby league raises dues by 300% for non-travel team skaters to make it through these tough times.
Cytokine Storm, league spokesperson, comments:
“Our travel team skaters need to save up money so that they can travel to bouts again soon!”

Large cluster of covid-19 cases amongst WFTDA-certified officials linked to after-party shenanigans.

Roller derby skater will DEFINITELY do lots of squats during lock-down.

Dire times – Gotham to hold boot camp on efficient toilet paper use.

Roller derby skater thinks that the continuation of their hobby is more important than people’s lives.

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