Announcer is most important person at roller derby bout

Roller derby announcers are the most important people at roller derby games, say roller derby announcers.

Roller derby announcers commented:
“The announcer is the main person you need to make a roller derby bout function. People really only come to bouts because of the announcers. Nobody would come to roller derby events if we weren’t there.”

“We know the game better than everyone else, better than the players, the fans and the officials.
This is why you need us at bouts.
Without our engaging play-by-play commentary, roller derby is a pretty dull and incomprehensible sport.”

“We inform people of things they could not possibly know any other way, like which teams are playing, how many points were scored in that jam or who is on track right now.
Without us, the viewers would have no idea what is happening.”

Fake News, a member of the Association of Flat Track Derby Announcers (AFTDA), commented:
“People love listening to me and my opinions.
When there is a break in the action, for example during a time out, I like to tell people fun facts about myself, like that I’m hungry or how many hours I have already worked that day. People love to hear about that stuff. After all, they are pretty much there to hear me talk.”

Perfektenschlag, a frequent attendandee of roller derby bouts commented:
“The sound set up at roller derby bouts is always pretty bad. I can literally never hear what the announcers say. They are just talking into the void.”